I have been looking at this issue in HelpStack iOS.

There seem to be 4 keyboard-related observers:

  • UIKeyboardWillShowNotification
  • UIKeyboardDidShowNotification
  • UIKeyboardWillHideNotification
  • UIKeyboardDidHideNotification

However, I could find very little first-party documentation about these observers. Only found the below two:

Sadly, they don’t seem to be very explanatory.

This StackOverflow question seems to have a lot of responses. But most of them don’t seem to be the complete fix. (Go ahead. Upvote the question.) Looks like Apple hasn’t provided enough documentation around this.

So far, I have made whatever changes I could and created a pull request here. Planning to fix the iPad issue first. The source file for the iPad Ticket Detail ViewController is at /Classes/UI/HSTicketDetailViewControlleriPad.m. I am sure that spending more time with this file will help me understand.

Hope to fix all the problems soon.